echo "Using conditional statement to create a project directory and project"

# Variable section
export project_dir=$HOME/vscode  # change vscode to different name to test git clone
export project=$project_dir/repository_1  # change APCSP to name of project from git clone
export project_repo=""  # change to project of choice

cd ~    # start in home directory

# Conditional block to make a project directory
if [ ! -d $project_dir ]
    echo "Directory $project_dir does not exists... makinng directory $project_dir"
    mkdir -p $project_dir
echo "Directory $project_dir exists." 

# Conditional block to git clone a project from project_repo
if [ ! -d $project ]
    echo "Directory $project does not exists... cloning $project_repo"
    cd $project_dir
    git clone $project_repo
    cd ~
echo "Directory $project exists."
Using conditional statement to create a project directory and project
Directory /Users/gracewang/vscode exists.
Directory /Users/gracewang/vscode/repository_1 exists.
echo "Using conditional statement to create a project directory and project"

# Variable section
export project_dir=$HOME/hacks  # change vscode to different name to test git clone
export project=$project_dir/APCSP  # change APCSP to name of project from git clone
export project_repo=""  # change to project of choice

cd ~    # start in home directory

# Conditional block to make a project directory
if [ ! -d $project_dir ]
    echo "Directory $project_dir does not exists... makinng directory $project_dir"
    mkdir -p $project_dir
echo "Directory $project_dir exists." 

# Conditional block to git clone a project from project_repo
if [ ! -d $project ]
    echo "Directory $project does not exists... cloning $project_repo"
    cd $project_dir
    git clone $project_repo
    cd ~
echo "Directory $project exists."
Using conditional statement to create a project directory and project
Directory /Users/gracewang/hacks does not exists... makinng directory /Users/gracewang/hacks
Directory /Users/gracewang/hacks exists.
Directory /Users/gracewang/hacks/APCSP does not exists... cloning
Cloning into 'APCSP'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 9627, done.        
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1202/1202), done.        
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (454/454), done.        
remote: Total 9627 (delta 752), reused 1171 (delta 722), pack-reused 8425        
Receiving objects: 100% (9627/9627), 16.53 MiB | 16.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5247/5247), done.
Directory /Users/gracewang/hacks/APCSP exists.
echo "Navigate to project, then navigate to area wwhere files were cloned"
cd $project

echo ""
echo "list top level or root of files with project pulled from github"
Navigate to project, then navigate to area wwhere files were cloned

list top level or root of files with project pulled from github
2022-05-15-07-21-16.png	_config.yml		_sass
2022-05-15-07-24-25.png	_fastpages_docs		_word
2022-05-15-07-25-15.png	_includes		assets
Gemfile			_layouts		docker-compose.yml
LICENSE			_notebooks		images
Makefile		_pages			index.html		_plugins
_action_files		_posts
python --version
python2 --version
Python 3.9.12
Python 2.7.18
echo "Jupyter Check"
test="jupyter" # keyword
check=`conda list | grep $test` # run command
n=${#check} # determine length

if [[ ${n} > 0 ]];  # testt length
then # greater than zero
    echo "$check"
else # less than zero
    echo "$test not found"
Jupyter Check
jupyter                   1.0.0            py39hecd8cb5_7  
jupyter_client            6.1.12             pyhd3eb1b0_0  
jupyter_console           6.4.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
jupyter_core              4.9.2            py39hecd8cb5_0  
jupyter_server            1.13.5             pyhd3eb1b0_0  
jupyterlab                3.3.2              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
jupyterlab_pygments       0.1.2                      py_0  
jupyterlab_server         2.10.3             pyhd3eb1b0_1  
jupyterlab_widgets        1.0.0              pyhd3eb1b0_1  
jupyter --version
jupyter kernelspec list
Selected Jupyter core packages...
IPython          : 8.2.0
ipykernel        : 6.9.1
ipywidgets       : 7.6.5
jupyter_client   : 6.1.12
jupyter_core     : 4.9.2
jupyter_server   : 1.13.5
jupyterlab       : 3.3.2
nbclient         : 0.5.13
nbconvert        : 6.4.4
nbformat         : 5.3.0
notebook         : 6.4.8
qtconsole        : 5.3.0
traitlets        : 5.1.1
Available kernels:
  python3106jvsc74a57bd0b0fa6594d8f4cbf19f97940f81e996739fb7646882a419484c72d19e05852a7e    /Users/gracewang/.vscode/extensions/ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.7.1102252217/temp/jupyter/kernels/python3106jvsc74a57bd0b0fa6594d8f4cbf19f97940f81e996739fb7646882a419484c72d19e05852a7e
  bash                                                                                      /Users/gracewang/Library/Jupyter/kernels/bash
  javascript                                                                                /Users/gracewang/Library/Jupyter/kernels/javascript
  python3                                                                                   /Users/gracewang/opt/anaconda3/share/jupyter/kernels/python3