Computer Science Projects


Other groups


Aadya’s group worked on a website for organizing Del Norte Clubs.


I really like the aesthetics of Sarayu’s project and their idea. They created a website for discovering asian foods. I like how their project promotes diversity and can help people explore new cultures and their foods.

The Arts

Graphic Design

These were so cool! I thought they were pictures at first but then I realized this was animation. The donuts looked very real and looked very scrumptious.


I liked this picture of Del Norte with the sunset. I don’t usually stay at school that late to see the sunset so this was a really nice moment to be able to experience through the picture.


This describes my mental state during finals week although I would not eat that dead bird.

This was my favorite art piece. I’ve seen this on TikTok and its a really cool plant waterer. I thought it was so cool that they could make this.

This one was very realistic, I though it was real wood but then I remembered I was in ceramics and realized it wasn’t wood.


I forgot to take photos but there was a really nice film about someone’s two cats.