Collegeboard MCQ Test 2

The question asks for an expression where the age is greater than 16 (they are able to drive) but less than 18 (not old enough to vote). I is wrong because in the second statement (age <= 18), 18 should not be included because the person is able to vote at age 18. II is correct because the age includes greater than or equal to 16 and not greater than or equal to 18. III is correct because it also includes less than 18 and greater than 16. Therefore D is correct.

I read this question wrong. I was debating on whether to choose C or D. However, I clicked the one that moves correctly instead the one that moves incorrectly. I made this mistake because of carelessness.

The value of the variable result is set to 0. The repeat box on the outside is executed 3 times and the inner is executed y times. When both boxes are executed it produces 3y as 3 is multiplied by y times. The inner block increases the variable result by 1 so the final value of the variable result is 3y.

The correct answers are B and C. Answer B is correct when we want to start with initial coordinates for the center of the circle and then add 1 to increase the size of the circle. Answer C is correct when we want to start with the initial coordinates for the center then subtract 1 to decrease the size of the circle. For this one, the drawCircle command is before the y <- y-1 command so that the circle is drawn before the radius is decreased. I did not understand the question well enough when answering which is why I got it wrong.

I misunderstood this question. The question asked the maximum number of times needed using binary search to find a number. Instead, I thought the question asked what is the maximum list length for the binary search. When using binary search to find an element in a list of 500 elements, the following list lengths should be as follows: 500, 250, 125, 63, 31, 15, 7, 4, 2, 1, which is 10 times.

Heuristics is an approach to problem-solving in which the objective is to produce a working solution within a reasonable time frame. Instead of looking for a perfect solution, heuristic strategies look for a quick solution that falls within an acceptable range of accuracy. This can increase the efficiency of coders.

Heuristic approach is used when the problem can’t be solved within a reasonable time frame and thus have to resort to a solution that compromises some of its features.

Not everything can be solved by algorithms. Some problems, such as determining if any program will eventually stop, cannot be solved by an algorithm.