Collegeboard 5.1 & 5.2 Reflection

5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects

ChatGPT! So cool!

There are always benefits and disadvantages to technology


  1. Three of beneficial and corresponding harmful effects of computing
    1. Beneficial: increased productivity through automation and simplification of daily tasks and processes. Harmful: People will lose their jobs due to removal of jobs that require manual labor and repetition.
    2. Beneficial: Computation offers entertainment to the public, ex. games, video streaming websites. Harmful: People become addicted to online entertainment and social media and become disconnected with the real world.
    3. Beneficial: Wider and faster access of information through internet search engines such as Google. Harmful: Anyone can spread false information that can lead other people to make bad choices.
  2. Talk about dopamine issues. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?
    • Dopamine issues surrounding happiness felt from social media is an issue. Because some people feel fulfilled with the entertainment provided by social media. They can become addicted. I have avoided this problem of social media addiction by deleting Instagram and Snapchat on my phone. However, I do understand how people can get addicted to their computers which would lead to detrimental personal study habits and success. Watching Youtube videos or scrolling through Instagram does give me a brief rush of dopamine at the end of the day when I have finished all my work so it does not waste my time.
  3. Potential harm of your project.
    • People who don’t have periods feel left out :(

5.2 Digital Divide



  1. How does someone empower themselves in a digital world?
    • Learning how to use the computer and other devices, understanding how ot use technology will allow us to have a better understanding over our digital lives.
    • We can also create digital to interact with others in the digital world.
    • Protecting personal information is important in the digital world so that bad people do not steal your classified information.
  2. How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.
    • We could help them gain access to a computer if they do not have one. We can also help educate them on how to use digital devices and the computer so that they know how to utilize it themselves.
  3. Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?
    • Whether paper or red tape blocs digital empowerment depends. If the person is in a situation where their lifestyle, depending on where they live or religion, is a severe limitation to their accessibility to technology, then red tape is blocking digital empowerment. However, in places such as technology, where computers are available for student use, the divide is blocked by paper.
  4. What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide? For yourself or for others.
    • My concern about the digital divide is that the divide in between socioeconomic backgrounds should be decreased. Access to technology provides important sources of information that everybody should have access to.