
Two Trimester focus planning

How you used N@tM to capture test data to be used in trimester 3

We polled people who tried out all of our existing features and found the average here:

  1. Aesthetics: 9/10
    • People thought our website looked really nice, CS people commented that our css was really cool
  2. Fun: 5/10
    • Players of the game only played the game once and didn’t really want to play again
  3. Educational: 10/10
    • People really liked the walk through tutorial
  4. Come back again for long term sign up account: 7/10
    • People weren’t really interested in cyber security

Data Captured in Trimester 3 Project

Areas of Growth

From Feedback:

Enhance the enjoyment of the games by incorporating engaging elements. For instance, introduce a level system to the spot-the-difference game and incorporate additional visuals, including animations.

Revise the educational vulnerability database format to enhance user-friendliness and readability. The current presentation contains extensive text, and efforts should be directed towards making it less overwhelming.

Enable users to view their top scores both on their profile page and the leaderboard. Consider displaying each user’s game session history to illustrate progress and foster motivation.

Ensure the leaderboard is seamlessly connected with users, enabling post requests to function effectively. Implement a feature to display users’ names instead of their IDs for better identification.

Personal Goals:

  1. Try login system again
  2. Working logout system

Future Additions:

  1. The spot-the-difference and password games get boring quickly.
  2. Finish up the leaderboard and connect it to the leader board so that we assign the score to the name rather than the id or input the score into the Person database so that it’s one big database instead of two separate ones

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Something you saw in CompSci that impressed

RIFT’s project was a very interesting take on learning cs knowledge. The frontend development was very complex, which they coded using an array. (something to look into and learn next trimester) The game is engaging and fun as it is modeled after a video game, it is fun to see the people battle.

something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked


a very cute bunny