

Free Response and MCQ

  1. What does CRUD stand for?
    • Create
    • Read
    • Update
    • Delete
  2. What are the HTTP verbs that are associated with each CRUD action?
    • C - POST
    • R - GET
    • U - PUT
    • D - DELETE
  3. What is JQuery?
    • jQuery is a simple and fast JavaScript toolkit that makes it easier to work with web pages by simplifying common tasks like handling events and changing HTML.
  4. Match A, B, and C into the JQuery event handler for a data table
    • A: ‘click’
    • B: ‘.delete-btn’
    • C: ‘#data-table’

    $(C).on(A, B, function() { // code });

  5. Why do we use JQUERY with CRUD?
    • Using an API database, we can use jquery with crud to create records, retrieve data to display, update data in the database, remove data, all of which can be done in the front end with jquery.

Finish the update JQUERY function

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